What do you want to do in your life?What's your purpose in life?And there are a lot of questions we ask to ourselves,and they never get less scary.As humans,we desire security.Yet,at the same time,we feel a longing to create.
There are certain signs that signal you are moving in the right direction.It doesn't matter where the direction specifically leads,as long as you are trending forward and not backward.
So,chill out.Stop being neurotic.You have something going well for you.Focus on that what you are doing well in and don't beat yourself up.

1)Things start getting falling apart-

You will know when it is time for you to move on.Because after making conscious decision that you want more,that which does not serve you will fall away.Things start getting falling apart.You may find struggling to hold onto a job you hate or persuading a participant of a toxic relationship to give up another chance.Simply don't.
For "new" to be created you must let go of the "old".This is important step because it is the learning to trust the higher aspect of yourself so the life you do want to live can be realize. Seriously if you are experiencing this one then definitely you are on the right path without any type of doubt even though it doesn't feel like it.

2)Feel excited to wake up in the morning-

Every morning you feel excited that what the new day brings to you.Excited after woke up because you are looking forward to something.You like to spend part of your day learning something new.You will not show any interest in sleeping because you have so many great ideas running through your mind.You eagerly wait to tackle the day and do something that you are passionate about.

3)You start thinking less about the past and more about the future-

Most importantly what it means is to let the past ,and to move on.You simply now know very well that past has nothing to do with the future."Let sleeping dogs lie "is a statement few people hear anymore.If you have done this then you are on the right path.

4)Obstacles are not going to stop you-

Being on the right track doesn't means that everything will automatically and magically fall into place.When obstacles do arise you will often find yourself diving right in and coming up with creative solutions like how to overcome or work around them.

If you are on the right path ,obstacles that show up become nothing more than bumps in the road and the idea of giving up won't feel like the right option.

5)You are surrounding yourself with right people-

You surround yourself with like minded people who challenge you,care for you and people who can teach you,expand your world view,or simply bring you joy from an angle you hadn't experienced before.
Everyone has those colleagues who are constantly in turmoil or have serious drama,the ones who will never manage to elevate themselves.Far worse is that they can't help but try to bring you  down right along with them.
If you want to become your best self I challenge you to review,rethink, and cull through you social media and real life "friends" and find the right people that will actually help you get there.

6)You feel physically exhausted but mentally satisfied-

Getting up early,Staying up late,trying new things,meeting new people,going from commitment to commitment.Even though you are a bit overwhelmed and overstimulated,you feel a deep sense of satisfaction with everything you are experiencing.

7)When little flame is burning inside you  then you are on the right path-

That little flame inside you is burning so brightly you can feel it all the time-even if you are not making money.Your flame is what sustains you through challenging times.
Your mission carries you forward.
We all go through times when we are not on our paths.The trick to surviving those periods is to remember that you have a path,whether you are taking steps on it right now or not.Have the courage to create a vision for your life.When you do,you will find it's so much easier to take a step toward making that vision real!

8)Your dreams are often extremely vivid and intense-

You have a lot  to process when you go to sleep each night,because so many changes(both good and bad) are happening in your life,all at once.And most people will tell you that's almost always better than stagnation.

9)Your way of thinking has changed-

You watch the way certain people react to certain situations and can't help but reflect on the fact that that's how the you from 3 years ago probably would have reacted.You are changing,your soul is changing.And although it's a weird feeling,it's probably a good one too.

10)People are noticing the changes you have made-

You are a mirror now.People who don't want to see their reflections don't like to be near mirror.When they see you,they see their couldas,shouldas,and wouldas in 1080 pixel H.D. Its unnerving,secretly inspiring,and unnerving to them at the same time.

When you are awake,you have two options-shrink or shine.You will be pressured to do the former but most of the real joy in life can only be found doing the latter.