Every explanation of emotions is the premise that they are a naturally occurring responses to a situation.Whether this response is the result of our own evaluation or an automatic one remains to be seen.

In psychology, the view of the nature of emotions can be divided into two camps.Emotions are either the result of a judgement of any current situation or a perception of changes taking place within our bodies. I.o.t,when we experience disgust,it could be the result of a judgement about how we feel when we see vomit.Under the other view,we experience disgust because our body undergoes physiological changes like queasiness and increased skin temperature at the sight of vomit.

Emotions may signal a change in our environment,a change within us or a change in both.

These signals are generally fleeting in comparison to other states of mind. A a result,emotions are distinct from moods,which can last for hours,days or even weeks.They are also distinct from personalities,the life long set of traits that comprise our individual,predictable reactions to situations.It would appear that the function of an emotion is to get our attention and demand a response.

As a person grows older,emotions develop from knee-jerk physiological reactions to predictable,conditioned responses.In this sense,the emotions of the individual are hijacked by the expectations of the society the individual lives in,making that person more suited to live peaceably in that society.

1.Acknowledge Your Emotions.

First thing to do is to acknowledge what you are experiencing.Are you sad?Do you feel disappointed?Are you angry?.Label your emotions.You have to keep in mind that anger sometimes masks emotions that feel vulnerable-like shame or embarrassment.So you have to pay the attention that whats going on inside you.
You have to give a name to your emotions like anxious,frustrated and impatient. 

2.Change Your Perception.

The way we perceive events our emotions effects.For example,if you are feeling anxious and you get an email from the boss that says she wants to see you right away,you might assume you are going to get fired.If however,you are feeling happy when you get that same email,your first thought might be that you are going to be promoted or congratulated on a job well.

Consider the perception you are looking at the world through.You have to change you perspective to develop a more realistic view.
Sometimes,the easiest way to gain a different perspective is to take a step back and ask yourself,"what would i say to a friend who  had this problem?"Answering that question will take some of the emotion out of the equation so you can think more rationally.
If you find yourself dwelling on negative things,you may need to change the channel in your brain.A quick physical activity,like going for a walk or cleaning off your desk,can help you stop ruminating.

3.Divine guidance will help you.

Faith is our saving grace in our darkest moments.No matter your creed, developing a healthy relationship with the divine world will help you surmount your obstacles more easily.
This is because when you believe in a higher force,you also believe in the power of divine intervention to show you what you must do,teach you why something is happening or even save you from a certain unwanted situation. When burdened with emotions,close your eyes,envision a positive solution to your problem,and ask the universe to illuminate the best path forward.

4.Change the way you respond

If all else fails,and you can't avoid,modify,shift your focus,or change your thoughts,and that emotion comes pouring out, in emotion regulation is to get control of your response.
Your heart may be beating out a steady drum roll of unpleasant sensations when you are made to be anxious or angry.Take deep breaths and perhaps close your eyes iot clam yourself down.
Similarly,if you can't stop laughing when everyone else seems serious or sad,gather your inner resources and force yourself at least to change your facial expression if not your mood.

5.Ask "What is the solution?"

Once you have discovered why,what can you do to take back control?Sometimes,you might need to change the way you are thinking about the situation.You see,your thoughts leads directly to your feeling,so if you are feeling bad,you most likely have a negative thought that is making you feel that way.If you start thinking of other possible ways of looking at the situations,you will begin to feel better immediately.What you focus on expands!
Sometimes,by simply understanding why you feel a certain way at a certain time,your emotions will start to diminish because understanding always leads to calming.