Before we know how to come out of depression lets have a look that what is depression actually?!!Are we undergo depression?or may be our friends or our some of our family members are undergoing depression.

Well depression is the persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest and lead to a range of behavioral and physical symptoms.It include changes in energy level ,sleep,appetite,daily behavior,concentration and self-esteem.Depression can also be associated with thoughts of suicide.Here are some symptoms of depression :

a)Irritable/Depressed mood everyday.

b)May face problems during sleeping(may be you sleep all day long or may be you may sleep too little)

c)Your interest gets change and you started feeling low motivation.

d)You started underestimating yourself.

e)Changes in appetite.

f)Significantly low energy/changes in self care.

g)Significantly worse concentration.

h)Severe anxiety/panic attacks.

i)Suicidal thoughts(includig self harm).

ok now you knew that what depression is actually not lets have a look that how we come out of depression?!

1.Change your way of perspective-You get stuck on seeing things one way that you miss any other possible view.Have fun with the scene in your mind as you change your perception.Keep it light.Allow yourself to sense how differently you would have felt or reacted had your beliefs about yourself and life been different.When you change your perception so does the experience.

2.Set Goals-Set a workable goal like something you can control,manageable,which is realistic for you, which are measurable.

3.Schedule activities or events which give pleasant feeling-For example ,give yourself permission for a 30 minute vacation or schedule a healthy hobby everyday.Do this activity with right attitude. Practice gratitude is one of the most important step to do-take time to notice what went well today,not just what went wrong.Being grateful for your blessings doesn't mean you have to discount your problems.

4.)Stay in the present moment-You may not be able to turn off the self judgement,but you can notice it and bring yourself gently back to the present.

5.)Exercise and eat healthy food-Moderate excercise about 4-5 minutes everyday can help you to change your mood in positive way.Including healthy diet is also very important .

6)Focus on people who lifts you up-It is important step you should follow.

7)Sleep regularly and try to keep sleep schedule-Try not to over sleep or little sleep.Staying up late one night and then sleeping in excessively the next day is a sure fire way to feed depression.Also dont try to solve problems late at night when your brain is half asleep.

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