Are you feeling low?We all had bad days and sad days.So here are some of the best tips that you can use in order to feel better about yourself.Don't let other people's opinion affect you in any possible way.

We often think that the measure of physical strength is how much weight we can bear,how long we can run.Physical health is a measure of how efficiently the body ruins,How capable it is to effectively performing the day to day task.

Mental health is exact the same way.It is not a measure of how happy we seem ,how perfect things are but that we are able to move through day to day life.

Some of us make a new year resolution but most people give them up by mid January. People fails because they set big goals to change their lives without working on mental strength.

Here are 10 things you can start doing now to make yourself mentally stronger this year:

1.Take 15 minutes a day to self reflect:-
You look in a mirror most days and are as familiar with your appearance as almost any other site.

"The journey into self love and self acceptance must begin with self examination.Until you take the journey of self reflection,it is almost impossible to grow or learn in life."

2.Do atleast 1 tough thing everyday:-
a)Monitor your emotions throughout the day and recognize how your feelings influence your thoughts and behavior.
b)Practice self compassion.You have to forgive yourself for mistakes and cheer yourself as it works towards your goal.
c)Be realistically optimistic.
d)Set healthy boundaries
e)Accept responsibility

3.Give up one bad habit:-
All of the habits that you have right now good or bad are in our life for a reason.In some ways this behaviors provide a benefit to you,even they are bad for you in other ways.Bad habits provide some type of benefit to our life,its difficult to simply eliminate them.Instead replace bad habit with a new one.

4.Develop positive self talk:-  
Have a purpose higher then self.Having a strong faith in higher power is helpful in having positive self talk.Cut overly negative people out of your life.Be grateful.Don't compare yourself to others.Use positive words with others.Believe in your success.Don't fear failure.Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

5.Identify challenges and set goals:-
The majority of us tend to set goals on the basis of what we 'think'  we want rather than what we really want.You can't achieve great things overnight,you simply cannot.Working towards any goal will seen tough at the beginning but some goals may be tough through out,we have to be persistent.Take baby steps towards your goal.

6.Identify your strength & weakness:-
For this you have to spend 30 min to create two columns.One of strength and second one is your weakness.After you've spent some time honestly assessing your strength and weakness,it's time to get input from those closet to you,a significant other,your mentor,close friends or family members.

7.Journal daily yourself:-
Record what you have gratitude for.Journal should be the context for your dreams,your favorite place.Its where the mental creation happens. Confidence become continually growing loop where ideas quickly becomes reality.

8.Write down 10 ideas everyday:-
This will build your idea muscle.Will have more ideas through out the day.Some of the ideas are really valuable.Gives you more clarity.Builds momentum to start a day.It reminds you that you are a idea machine!

9.Take care of your physical health:-
Drinking more water.Exercise regularly.Eat more fruits and veggie.Get a good night's sleep.

10.Create a healthy environment:-