Life Lessons

Life Lessons

They'll Destroy Your Dreams...


They will destroy you..

They'll destroy your hopes and dreams.
They'll destroy your confidence, force you to
give up on your goals and create more doubt and fear.

They're limiting and negative beliefs and they're the real
blocks on your subconscious.

They stop you every time you decide to make your life better.
They work against you and they'll only get stronger if
you don't get rid of them.
Today I'll show you how to get rid of those negative and
limiting beliefs and I'll show you how to create positive beliefs
that lead to a better, richer and more rewarding life... read on...

Your beliefs are instructions for your subconscious mind; this is what it follows to create your life.
Your subconscious makes sure your life is a mirror of your beliefs.

What you believe you will regularly think.
What you regularly think is what you believe.

So your beliefs are constantly re-enforced with your thoughts and your thoughts re-enforce your beliefs.

If you have negative and limiting beliefs they'll just get stronger and stronger. That's because your negative thoughts will continue to support those negative and limiting beliefs.

Your subconscious mind will keep creating your life based on your beliefs.

When you have negative or limiting beliefs your subconscious mind creates more and more negative situations.

With negative beliefs firmly planted on your subconscious, you'll keep struggling, life will get harder, you won't be able to make more money, you won't be able to make the right choices, you'll end up making the wrong choices, you'll lose confidence, you'll have more fear, more anxiety and you'll have painful relationships that just don't work.

Having negative and limiting beliefs will really make your life much more difficult and harder.

So get rid of those negative and limiting beliefs. Identify them and remove them.

Here's how you do that.

Think about what you want.
Then write down the thoughts that come up when you think
about getting what you want.

For example: Let's say you want to make a million dollars.
When you think about making that amount you get the following thoughts:
I don't know how to do that
I'm not smart enough
I'll never be able to make that much
I've got too much debt
There's no way to make that amount

These are all negative thoughts tied to negative beliefs that your subconscious picks upon.  It then creates situations so that you don't end up making more money or you end up losing more.

So do the above exercise for anything you want. Identify negative thoughts.
Then remove them and the corresponding beliefs. You have to get rid of both of them and give your subconscious mind new instructions.
I show you how to shatter those negative beliefs, get rid of the negative thoughts  and give your subconscious mind new instructions so that you end up getting exactly what you want

Negative beliefs are like weeds in a garden.
If you don't get rid of them they spread and eventually choke off all that is positive in your life.

At first, you won't even realize you have negative beliefs.

But if you're not living the kind of life you want,
if you're not getting what you want in life,
if you're not making as much money as you want,
if you're not in the job you want if you're not in a positive and
healthy relationship,
if you're not with the right person,
if you're not as healthy as you want to be,
if you're not as confident as you want to be
then you have a number of negative beliefs that need to be
removed and replaced.

By replacing those limiting beliefs you give your subconscious mind new instructions. You get your inner powers working for you so that you get what you want.  Those limiting beliefs have to be replaced with positive beliefs.

You can get rid of the negative and limiting beliefs.
You can get your subconscious mind working for you today.
You are a powerful person.
Start directing and applying that power today.
So that you get it working for you.
So that your subconscious brings you what you want.
Plant those positive beliefs on your subconscious today


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