Follow This Steps And You Will Definitely Get Success

Follow this 11 steps to get success in your life
If you want to be successful,one of the best things you can do is emulate other successful people.While other successful person has his or her own unique approach,there are a lot of common patterns you can find when you read their books and watch interviews and lectures. Here are 10 things you can do to be successful


You should focus on productivity not being busy.Do not reward yourself for spending time working, reward yourself for getting work done.When you run your own business,you are paid for products and services,not for time.
And you should focus on minutes,not hours.Money can be lost and made again,but time spent can never be reclaimed.As legendary Olympic Gymnast Shannon Miller told Kelvin "To this day,I keep a schedule that is almost minute by minute.".You must master your minute to master your life.
Focus on one thing.Ultra productive people know what their"Most important task" is work on it for one to two hour each morning,without interruption.What task will have the biggest impact on reaching your goals?What accomplishment will get you promoted at work?That's what you should dedicate your mornings to everyday.

2.Set Goals

Goal setting is underrated.Most people do not take the time because they do not think it is a worthwhile endeavour. The value is that it helps align actions,Setting goals also get you thinking what you are really trying to accomplish and why.
Those who are able to set goals tend to be much more productive and focused  in their efforts.This allows for a higher level of output,greater success and more impact.

Setting a S.M.A.R.T goals is a greater technique or achieving larger,more loosely defined goals.Think of each S.M.A.R.T goal as a rung on the ladder of overall success!.(Specific,Measurable,Attainable,Relevant,Timely)

3.Consider relationships

The best people are admired by those around them.This could be due to their high quality work,their personal interactions,or,likely,both.They remember names,their high quality work,their personal interactions,or,likely both.They remember names,they follow-up when they say they are going to,and they take little steps to create stronger relationships with those around them.Something as small as sending a text after a surgery or a congratulations after a new job offer can make a big difference.

4.Stay healthy

You can't make more minutes in a day,but you can increase your energy to increase your attention,focus and productivity.Highly successful people don't skip meals,sleep or breaks in the pursuit of more,more,more.Instead,they view food as fuel,sleep as recovery and breaks as opportunities to recharge iot get even more done.Moreover successful people who stay that way over the long term do not abuse their bodies.Even Barack Obama manages to find time to get up every morning and exercise before work,often for 90 min a day.

5.Embrace ambiguity

Ambiguity is difficult.When the path is not spelled out,it means that you have to make more challenging decisions.The top 1 percent of people love ambiguity.It gives them an opportunity to be creative and stand out from those around them.They do not mind making hard decisions because they know that doing so will lead to higher impact,and it is more rewarding.

6.Make most of the networks

The most successful people never try to go it alone if they do not have to,and they always look for opportunities to network and expand their circle of friends and business associates.
They realize that every conversation is an opportunity,and could hold the seed of potential for a new business relationship or venture.When they find themselves facing harsh times,they reach out  to others for ideas.When others in their network struggle,they offer solutions.


It is also very underrated.It is easy to workout one time or to send a few emails.It is also easy to take on an 80-hour week once.Pushing yourself consistently,though,is an extreme challenge.It is where 99% of people drop off.
It is easy to believe successful people reached that level through luck or raw talent.That is almost never the case,though.Persistent over time is an absolute must.

8.Consistently read

The brightest people are always learning.There is endless knowledge,and,iot continue to improve and learn more,reading is a necessity.Most people make excuses as to why they do not read very much.The best people do not allow themselves to make excuse,and instead prioritise personal learning. I've personally made it my goal to read a book a week.

9.Keep failure in perspective

You have probably met business people who take pride in having very little experience with failure-or so they claim.But those people are typically lying to your or not as successful as they seem.May be they just got lucky and built an empire on a stroke of fate or a large inheritance

In reality,success is typically built on a series of failures and lessons learned.Do not let your past failures weigh you down or make you feel like a failure.Successful people learn from failures everyday and recognise that so long as they do,they are still on the road to success.

10.Pursue your passions

The top people do not spend their lives living other people's dreams.They pursue their own passions.That gives them the energy to attack each day with all that they have.It also allows them to think more independently.After getting over the fact that you cannot please everyone and that you have to think for yourself,life becomes a lot better.
Spending time doing what you love enables the highest quality of work and it makes staying consistent significantly easier.