What you need to do:

1.)Choose and Affirmation:
Affirmations are actually very powerful, But Why? Just Because by saying it, hearing or writing a powerful affirmation, you manifest it into your brain over and over again until you actually believe your affirmation.
Because your beliefs are like filters for your reality, whatever you think, you become.

There are special 3 ways to for affirmation to be successful:-

1.)+ve Affirmations are always in a present tense it means whatever you are going to affirm have to think that it is in present moment.

Example-I will,going to be etc.

2.)+ve affirmations should contain positive words only.(can't,wouldn't,couldn't etc are not positive words)

3.)+ve affirmations are actually based on statement of facts and truth

Every morning write down the affirmation you want to happen in your life.For Example:-"I am grateful to have received $1000 this week"

2.)Write out Your affirmation:-
On a peice of paper write your Affirmation 55 times a day for 5 days straight.

Yes you have to write it down on a paper may be it sounds silly but yup it is very effective

3.)Let it Go:-
Onceyou have completed the 5 days then let it go, the Universe do it's work.

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