Millions of people suffer from feelings of anxiety,depression,phobias,obsessions,addiction disorders or other psychological problems,but confronting and healing from what are labelled as "disorders" can give you a physiological superpower that others cannot begin to understand.

People who struggle with handling their psychological symptoms can harness as inner strength that is different from what normal people experience.
People who can successfully manage coping with bizarre thoughts and emotional stress while also functioning in jobs and families have superpowers that the rest of us cannot understand.

Unfortunately,the lens that people with anxiety or depression see the world through has a bias towards negativity.If they can turn off their negative filter,people with anxiety and depression can better use their psychological superpowers of perception for good,not evil.Lets have a look that what should you do to have this qualities:

1.Hide your smartness or intelligence-

If you are a smart person ,you might have the tendency to want to show it off.
You want to show it off because you want  people let you know about your smartness,or how smart you are.

Showing people up in general means you lack an important type of intelligence-social intelligence

Its better to understate your intelligence than to overstate it.

2.Resist Group Think-

You tell yourself stories constantly and ones you repeat often become part of your personality.
The problem with this occurs when you're unable to even hold views that deviate from group list of stances.This is what you see in the political sphere right now-no one's budging.

If you are able to find your own world views-a legitimate one should contain elements of contradictory philosophies-you'll have the benefit of not being a crazy person participating in mud slinging contests.

Its actually very hard to form original  world view because you have to form it by picking up established narratives.Just knowing how difficult it is to form untainted beliefs gives you the humility to second guess your own opinions.

At the end of the day most of what happens in your life can be seen and shaped through the lens of your individuality.No matter what group you belong to,the experiences ,memories and emotions you have are unique to you.And you can only genuinely look to yourself to reshape.

3.Stop caring what people think about you-

To feel accepted is a nearly universal human desire.After all ,we evolved to survive better in groups,where fitting in and having the trust and respect of our peers are the measure of success.

Wanting to be thought of positivity isn't a bad thing.We all need alittle awareness  of how others view us to keep balanced and attuned to how we affect others.

We should create a new mindset ,keep things in perspective,question your thinking,let go of perfection,get to know yourself,find your tribe,allow yourself to be vulnerable,accept a helping hand,be your own friend.

4.Stop placing blame altogether-

If you don't own your mind ,someone else or circumstance will.Owing your reactions to what happens to you gives you a source of power no one can corrupt.

5.Stop ''waiting to talk''-

Most people do not listen ,they listen with the intent to reply.

If you let other people talk,listen to them and give up your need into the conversation right away,everyone will love you.People love to talk ,let them.

While they talk,listen.If you really listen,they'll give you all the information you want to know-their hopes,fears,desires,need,likes,dislikes.

Even if you barely talk repeat that they said back to them,ask them a question that makes them continue to talk,genuinely highlight when they bring something up you have in common.

6.Stop letting your desires pull you in every direction-

The only times I've ever succeeded and felt good were bi-products of doing the work i enjoyed doing.

Are you being controlled by the desire for the output or the need to put the input?

I have to remind myself constantly that i can be happy that what i have this second.And,even if my life gets better outwardly.I'll adjust to it quickly and begin running on the hampsterwheel all over again.Better to do the things I love right now and forget about the future.

7.Stop taking everything so seriously-

Focus on your career but don't make your career your life.
Be prudent ,save,budget ,but don't become a worry wart.

Spend time with your friends ,family without worrying much about anything beyond them.

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